+ 2 English Study Material: Kerala State Syllabus. Available at Amazon From December 1 , 2023. Unlock Your Language Potential with Our Plus Two English Guide! Embark on a transformative journey through the art of language and literature with our comprehensive Plus Two English Guide.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Unlock Your Language Potential with Our Plus Two English Guide!


Dive into the world of linguistic mastery with the +2 English Material from E PUBLICA TRIVANDRUM, where every page is a portal to excellence. Meticulously crafted by seasoned educators and compiled  this paperback is your companion on the journey to not just academic success but profound language proficiency.


Unlock the secrets of English language comprehension, expression, and analysis through a collection of resources that go beyond the ordinary. From comprehensive study notes to engaging class materials,E PUBLICA TRIVANDRUM'S  +2 English Material is designed to transform your learning experience.


Whether you're a student navigating the complexities of language studies or an educator seeking impactful teaching resources, this paperback is a treasure trove. Immerse yourself in the power of words, elevate your understanding of language nuances, and witness your linguistic prowess flourish.


Each chapter is a step towards linguistic excellence, carefully curated to meet the dynamic needs of +2 students. Embrace a holistic approach to English education that not only prepares you for examinations but equips you for life's communication challenges.


 The +2 English Material is not just a book; it's a key to unlocking the doors of eloquence and expression. Get ready to embark on a linguistic adventure that will shape your academic journey and beyond.


Elevate your language skills, master the art of expression, and let the pages of E PUBLICA TRIVANDRUM'S +2 English Material be your guide. Turn the pages and embark on a journey where words come alive, and language becomes a powerful tool in your hands.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

+2 English NOTE - UNIT – 5 , LESSON - 2 . THIS IS GOING TO HURT JUST A LITTLE BIT ( Ogden Nash )



Ogden Nash





The poem "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit" by Ogden Nash is a humorous and relatable exploration of the anxiety and discomfort people often feel when visiting the dentist. The speaker begins by expressing their dislike for sitting in a dentist's chair with their mouth wide open, and they hope to never have to do it again. The poem delves into the idea that dental visits are a unique form of torture because they are both physically and mentally uncomfortable.


The poet describes the physical discomfort of the dental experience, including the sensation of having tools and instruments inside one's mouth. The poet humorously likens the experience to a construction site, with stone crushers, concrete mixers, and drills causing discomfort. The speaker also highlights the anxiety of seeing their mouth worked on in a mirror and worrying about the dentist's expertise.


In the end, the poem humorously reflects on the paradox of dental visits. People must go to the dentist to maintain good oral health, but they dread it so much that they wish they didn't have to go. The poem captures the irony that to avoid dental visits, one must endure them regularly.


For plus two level students, this poem can be seen as a light-hearted commentary on a common fear and discomfort that many people experience. It uses humor to address a relatable topic, making it a relatable and engaging piece of literature.





Ogden Nash's poem, "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit," is a humorous and satirical exploration of the discomfort and anxiety associated with visiting the dentist. Through clever wordplay, vivid imagery, and wit, Nash effectively conveys the physical and mental torture that many people experience during dental appointments. Here's a deeper analysis of the poem:


1. Tone and Humor: The poem's tone is light-hearted and humorous, using irony and sarcasm to address a common fear and discomfort that most people can relate to. Nash employs a playful and exaggerated style to make the reader laugh while sympathizing with the speaker's predicament.


2. Fear and Anxiety: The poem highlights the fear and anxiety that many individuals feel when they have to sit in the dentist's chair. The speaker's aversion to the dental experience is palpable, and Nash emphasizes the mental torment that accompanies the physical discomfort.


3. Vivid Imagery: Nash uses vivid and often comical imagery to describe the dental environment. He compares the open mouth to a construction site cluttered with various tools and machines, creating a chaotic and nerve-wracking atmosphere. This imagery helps the reader visualize the discomfort and unease felt by the speaker.


4. Irony and Paradox: The poem is rich in irony and paradox. The most notable paradox is the idea that people must go to the dentist to maintain their dental health, even though they wish to avoid dental visits. This paradox underscores the frustration of a never-ending cycle of dental appointments.


5. Mirror Symbolism: The poem humorously plays with the idea of using a mirror during dental procedures. The fear of the dentist confusing left and right, much like when trying to tie a bowtie in front of a mirror, adds an element of absurdity to the narrative. It highlights the vulnerability and lack of control that patients often feel in the dentist's chair.


6. Structure and Rhyme: The poem consists of six stanzas with varying line lengths and rhyme schemes. This irregular structure adds to the poem's conversational and informal tone, making it accessible and relatable to a wide audience.


7. Social Commentary: While the poem primarily serves as a humorous take on dental visits, it also subtly comments on the often frustrating aspects of healthcare and the circular nature of some medical treatments. The speaker's desire to avoid the dentist contrasts with the necessity of dental care, a common predicament in healthcare systems.


In conclusion, Ogden Nash's "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit" is a humorous and relatable poem that explores the fear and discomfort associated with dental appointments. Through clever wordplay, vivid imagery, and irony, Nash effectively conveys the speaker's unease while also shedding light on broader themes related to healthcare and the human experience.



1.Imagine that one of your friends wants to get an appointment with a dentist in your locality.He wants to know the timing and exact location of the clinic.Prepare a telephonic conversation  between your friend and the  receptionist of the clinic. There should be atleast 6 exchanges.


Friend (F): Hello, I'm looking to schedule an appointment with a dentist in the area. Could you provide me with some information?


Receptionist (R): Of course, I'd be happy to help.


F: Thanks for the information. I prefer to schedule an appointment on a weekday. What time do you open in the morning?


R: We open at 8:00 AM every weekday.


F: That's great. Do you have any late afternoon appointments? I have work in the morning.


R: Yes, we have appointments available until 5:30 PM. Would that work for you?


F: 5:30 PM is perfect. Could you please schedule an appointment for me this Thursday at 5:30 PM?


R: Certainly, I have you down for a dental appointment this Thursday at 5:30 PM. Can I have your name, please?


F: It's [Friend's Name], and thank you for your help.


R: You're welcome, [Friend's Name]. Before your appointment, please arrive 15 minutes early to fill out any necessary paperwork.


F: Got it. I'll make sure to arrive early and bring my insurance card. One last thing, is there parking available at the clinic?


R: Yes, we have a parking lot right in front of the clinic for our patients. You shouldn't have any trouble finding a parking spot.


F: Perfect. Thanks for all the information. I look forward to my appointment on Thursday.


R: You're welcome, [Friend's Name]. We'll see you on Thursday at 5:30 PM. If you have any questions before then, feel free to give us a call. Have a great day!


F: Thank you, you too. Goodbye!


R: Goodbye, [Friend's Name].



2.Read the following lines from the poem " This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit"


"Because some tortures are physical and some are mental

But the one that is both is dental

It is hard to be self possessed

With your jaw digging into your chest"


Explain the idea behind the above lines.


The lines from Ogden Nash's poem, "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit," highlight the idea that visiting the dentist can be a uniquely challenging and uncomfortable experience due to the combination of physical and mental discomfort.


1. Physical vs. Mental Tortures: The lines draw a contrast between different types of torment: physical and mental. Physical pain is something that affects the body, such as the sensation of a dentist's tools in the mouth, while mental distress pertains to the anxiety and fear associated with dental appointments


In summary, these lines emphasize that dental visits are particularly challenging because they encompass both physical discomfort (the actual procedures) and mental discomfort (anxiety and fear). This combination of physical and mental torment makes a visit to the dentist a uniquely difficult experience, as the two aspects of suffering come together, and it can be challenging to maintain one's composure during such an ordeal.



3."And this, O Fate is  I think the most vicious circle that thou ever sendest" 


a) Who speaks these words?

b)What is referred to as vicious circle?

c) Why does the poet use archaic words like thou and sendest?            


a) The words "And this, O Fate is I think the most vicious circle that thou ever sendest" are spoken by the poet, Ogden Nash.


b) In this line, the poet is referring to the "vicious circle" as the cycle or situation in which a person must repeatedly go to the dentist in order to maintain their dental health, while at the same time, the chief reason they want their teeth to be healthy is so that they can avoid going to the dentist. It's a cycle of needing dental care to prevent dental issues, which, in turn, leads to more dental appointments.


c) The poet uses archaic words like "thou" and "sendest" for poetic effect and to create a more formal, traditional tone in the poem. This use of archaic language adds a touch of whimsy and humor, as it contrasts with the modern and relatable subject matter of the poem, which is the discomfort of visiting the dentist. The contrast between the old-fashioned language and the contemporary topic creates a humorous juxtaposition, contributing to the poem's overall comedic effect.



4. In the poem " ,This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit", the poet is sharing a bitter experience he had to face in a dental clinic. Imagine that you had faced such a similar situation and write a letter to your close friend expressing your difficulty when you faced it.


[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]



[Your Friend's Name]

[Your Friend's Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]


Dear [Friend's Name],


I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I wanted to share an experience I recently had that I think you might find both amusing and relatable, and it involves a trip to the dentist.


So, as you may know, I had to visit the dentist last week, and it turned out to be quite an adventure, if you can call it that. I remember reading Ogden Nash's poem, "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit," and thinking, "This is exactly what I'm going through!" It was one of those "bitter" experiences, just as Nash described.


From the moment I walked into the clinic, I felt a sense of unease. The sterile smell, the sound of drills, and the sight of patients waiting with anxiety painted on their faces all added to my growing apprehension. But what really got me was the moment I sat down in the dreaded dentist's chair. My mouth was wide open, and I couldn't help but recall Nash's lines: "With your jaw digging into your chest." It felt like my jaw was about to touch my toes!


The dentist and the dental assistant were polite, but that didn't ease my discomfort. It's as if they sensed my anxiety and decided to start a conversation right when I couldn't reply. You know how much I dread awkward silences! And the mirror, oh, the mirror. I felt like my dentist had become a magician, trying to pull a rabbit out of my mouth, only the rabbit was my dental health, and I wasn't sure if it would reappear intact!


The ordeal continued, and I couldn't help but think about the ironic nature of the situation. I was at the dentist to keep my teeth in good condition, yet the whole reason I wanted my teeth to be healthy was so I could avoid going to the dentist in the first place. Talk about a vicious circle, right?


In the end, I survived the appointment. But as I left the clinic, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. It was a bitter experience, but I had to share it with you because it's one of those things we all go through. It's a shared human experience, and it's a bit of a relief to know I'm not alone in this.


Anyway, I hope this letter brought a smile to your face. Remember to take good care of your teeth, so you don't have to face a similar ordeal anytime soon! I look forward to hearing from you and catching up soon.


Wishing you all the best, and may you always have a reason to smile.


Warm regards,


[Your Name]



5. Write a short paragraph on the aptness of the title," This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit"


The title "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit" is highly apt for the poem by Ogden Nash. It effectively captures the essence of the poem and sets the tone for the reader. The title humorously suggests that the dental experience might not be too painful, just a little uncomfortable, which is a relatable sentiment for anyone who has ever visited a dentist. However, as the poem unfolds, it becomes evident that the discomfort and anxiety associated with the dental visit are humorously exaggerated, revealing that the "little bit" of hurt is, in fact, a source of comedic and shared human experience. The title serves as a clever and ironic introduction to the theme of dental visits, preparing the reader for the humorous take on a universal ordeal.



6 .Prepare a critical appreciation of the poem "This is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit"


"This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit" by Ogden Nash is a witty and humorous poem that provides a satirical commentary on the common discomfort and anxiety associated with dental visits. This poem, while seemingly light-hearted, carries deeper layers of social commentary, making it a noteworthy piece for critical appreciation, especially for plus two level students.


1. Tone and Humor: The poem's tone is light-hearted and humorous. Nash's use of irony, sarcasm, and exaggeration creates a comical atmosphere, which makes the poem engaging and entertaining for readers. The humor effectively masks the underlying discomfort of the dental experience.


2. Universal Theme: The theme of dental appointments and the fear associated with them is a universal one. Nash brilliantly captures a shared human experience, making the poem highly relatable to readers of all ages.


3. Contrast between Appearance and Reality: The poem employs the clever technique of contrasting the speaker's initial expectations ("just a little bit" of hurt) with the actual experience, which turns out to be much more uncomfortable and mentally distressing. This juxtaposition reveals how appearances can be deceiving and serves as a reflection of life's unexpected challenges.


4. Irony and Paradox: The poem is rich in irony and paradox. It highlights the irony of needing dental care to prevent dental issues, which, in turn, leads to more dental appointments – a classic "vicious circle" that plays on the expectations versus the reality of healthcare.


5. Social Commentary: While on the surface, the poem is about dental visits, it subtly comments on the healthcare system and the irony of needing medical care while fearing it. The societal expectation to maintain good health is depicted through the absurdity of the dental experience.


6. Language and Style: Nash's use of archaic language like "thou" and "sendest" adds a touch of whimsy and humor to the poem. This contrast between formal language and a contemporary, relatable subject matter contributes to the poem's comedic effect.


In conclusion, "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit" is not merely a humorous poem but a clever work of social commentary. It offers readers a comical perspective on a common, everyday experience while inviting reflection on societal expectations and the absurdities of life. The poem's wit, universal theme, and clever use of language make it an excellent piece for critical appreciation and discussion among plus two level students.




Ogden Nash (1902–1971) was an American poet renowned for his whimsical and humorous verse. Born on August 19, 1902, in Rye, New York, Nash gained popularity for his clever use of language, light-hearted wit, and a unique approach to various subjects. He was known for his ability to infuse serious topics with humor, making his poetry accessible and enjoyable for a wide audience.


Nash's works often explored everyday experiences, societal norms, and the quirks of human behavior. His writing style was characterized by clever rhymes, playful language, and a keen sense of observation. One of his most famous works is the poem "This Is Going to Hurt Just a Little Bit," which humorously captures the discomfort of a visit to the dentist.


Apart from his poetry, Nash wrote essays, lyrics, and scripts for the screen and stage. His contributions to literature earned him a lasting place in American humor and poetry. Ogden Nash's works continue to be celebrated for their wit, charm, and the way they illuminate the humorous aspects of life. He passed away on May 19, 1971, leaving behind a legacy of lighthearted yet insightful poetry.


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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

+2 English NOTE - UNIT – 5 , LESSON - 3 . CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ( R. K. Narayan )


R. K. Narayan




"Crime and Punishment" by R. K. Narayan is a compelling short story that delves into the themes of discipline, authority, and parenting. The narrative revolves around a teacher and a young boy from a well-to-do family. The story's title aptly captures the core conflict.


The tale begins with the teacher posing a simple math question to the boy, who purposely answers it incorrectly. Frustrated and intent on improving the child's academic performance, the teacher impulsively slaps the boy, leading to his tears and the threat of informing his parents.


The parents, who believe in a gentle approach to parenting, constantly impart their theories on child psychology to the teacher. He, however, finds their ideas impractical and the boy's behavior challenging. As the boy tests the teacher's patience with various demands and playful antics, the story explores the dynamics between authority and obedience, shedding light on the complexities of disciplining a child.


The tale ultimately concludes with the teacher's attempt to explain away his behavior and pacify the parents, highlighting the moral dilemmas faced by the characters.


"Crime and Punishment" provides valuable insights into the complexities of disciplining children and the clash between different parenting approaches. It prompts readers to reflect on the consequences of impulsive actions and the challenges of raising children in a world where discipline and authority must be balanced with love and understanding.





"Crime and Punishment" by R. K. Narayan is a thought-provoking short story that delves into the complexities of discipline, authority, and parenting. For plus two level students, here's a detailed analysis of the story:


1. Conflict between Discipline and Gentle Parenting: The story presents a central conflict between the teacher's traditional, disciplinarian approach and the parents' gentler, child-centered philosophy of parenting. The teacher believes in using strict measures to correct the child's behavior, while the parents emphasize a non-repressive approach. This contrast reflects a broader societal debate about child-rearing practices.


2. Impulsiveness and Its Consequences: The teacher's impulsive act of slapping the boy serves as a catalyst for the story's events. This action raises questions about the consequences of impulsive behavior and the thin line between disciplining and harming a child.


3. Generational Differences: The story highlights the generation gap between the teacher and the parents. The parents' beliefs are influenced by modern child psychology theories, contrasting with the teacher's more traditional outlook. This generational gap is emblematic of the evolving parenting practices in contemporary society.


4. The Boy's Manipulation: The young boy in the story cleverly manipulates the situation to his advantage. He uses his parents' approach to parenting as a shield, threatening to inform them about the teacher's actions. This manipulation reveals the child's resourcefulness and ability to control the narrative.


5. Moral Dilemmas: The story raises moral dilemmas related to the use of authority and discipline in parenting and teaching. It prompts readers to ponder questions such as whether physical discipline is ever justifiable and how to strike a balance between authority and understanding in raising children.


6. Humor and Irony: Narayan's skillful use of humor and irony adds depth to the story. The boy's antics and the teacher's predicaments create a light-hearted tone, even in the midst of serious themes.


7. Subtle Social Commentary: "Crime and Punishment" subtly comments on the societal pressure to conform to modern, child-centered parenting practices. It explores the tension between traditional and contemporary approaches to upbringing and education.


8. Resolution through Compromise: The story concludes with a compromise, as the teacher assures the parents that he will let the boy review his lessons more. This resolution exemplifies the idea that there may be a middle ground between strict discipline and leniency in parenting.


In conclusion, "Crime and Punishment" is a rich and thought-provoking narrative that delves into the dynamics of parenting and discipline. It serves as a reflection of changing societal norms and offers insight into the challenges and moral dilemmas faced by parents, teachers, and society as a whole.


1. Justify the title of the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’

The title of the story, "Crime and Punishment," is indeed apt as it encapsulates the central theme and conflict within the narrative. In this short story by R. K. Narayan, the "crime" refers to the teacher's impulsive act of slapping the young boy for giving a wrong answer in a math question. The teacher's action is perceived as a wrongdoing, especially in the context of the boy's privileged upbringing where his parents advocate a gentle, non-repressive approach to child-rearing. The "punishment" comes in the form of the boy's threat to tell his parents about the incident. The tension revolves around the potential consequences of the teacher's action and how he tries to navigate the situation to avoid punishment for his impulsive behavior. Thus, the title effectively captures the essence of the story, which revolves around an act of wrongdoing and the subsequent consequences or punishment that may follow. It highlights the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by the characters and explores the idea of discipline, authority, and child-rearing practices.

2. Imagine that you are the teacher in the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’. When the boy gives the wrong answer, what would be your  attitude towards him. Write a short paragraph on what you would do.

As the teacher in the story "Crime and Punishment," I would adopt a more patient and empathetic attitude towards the boy when he gives the wrong answer. Instead of reacting impulsively with physical discipline, I would recognize that the boy might be struggling with the math problem or perhaps feeling pressured to perform well. I would aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment in which he feels safe to make mistakes and learn from them. I would calmly explain the correct answer and offer additional guidance to help him understand the concept better. By fostering a positive and encouraging atmosphere, I would strive to help the boy build his confidence and motivation for learning, rather than resorting to punishment.

3. Irritated and frustrated by the behaviour of the boy in the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’, you talk to his parents. Prepare a conversation between yourself and the parents.

Teacher: Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. [Boy's Last Name]. I wanted to discuss an incident that occurred during our recent tutoring session with your son.

Mr. [Boy's Last Name]: Good evening, teacher. Please, go on. What happened?

Teacher: Well, during our lesson, I asked your son a simple math question, and when he repeatedly gave the wrong answer, I got frustrated and, I must admit, I slapped him. I want to sincerely apologize for my impulsive behavior. It was wrong, and I should have handled the situation differently.

Mrs. [Boy's Last Name]: We appreciate your honesty in admitting your mistake, but could you tell us more about what led to this?

Teacher: Certainly. I've been facing some challenges in tutoring your son. He often seems defiant and uncooperative, which can be quite trying. I understand your parenting philosophy, but it's been difficult to find the right balance between discipline and support.

Mr. [Boy's Last Name]: We understand that it can be challenging. We believe in gentle parenting, and we don't want our son to be disciplined harshly. We appreciate your efforts in teaching him.

Teacher: I respect your approach, and I do want the best for your son. I'm committed to finding a better way to help him learn without resorting to punishment. I would appreciate your guidance on how to work together more effectively.

Mrs. [Boy's Last Name]: Thank you for being open to our approach. Let's work together to find a solution that suits all of us. We can discuss strategies to help your teaching methods align with our parenting philosophy.

Teacher: That sounds like a great idea. I believe with better communication and understanding, we can ensure a positive and supportive learning environment for your son.

In this conversation, the teacher admits the mistake, shares their concerns, and seeks a collaborative approach with the parents to address the challenges in teaching their child. This dialogue emphasizes the importance of open communication and cooperation between the teacher and parents to create a nurturing and effective learning environment.

4. Imagine that you are the parent of the boy in the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’. The teacher asks you to meet him to discuss about the boy. What would you say to the teacher about your son’s attitude.

 As the parent of the boy in the story "Crime and Punishment," I would express my concerns to the teacher regarding my son's attitude. I would acknowledge that our parenting approach emphasizes a gentle and non-repressive method of child-rearing. I might explain that we have encouraged our son to be independent and expressive but have also advised him on the importance of respecting authority and teachers. I would mention that we have noticed his defiance and uncooperative behavior and are eager to work with the teacher to find a balanced approach that fosters a positive learning environment for him. I would emphasize our commitment to supporting his education while nurturing his individuality and understanding the importance of discipline and learning.

5. Towards the  end of the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’, the boy realizes that the teacher cares for the boy and he regrets later for his behaviour towards the teacher. He decides to write a letter to the teacher to forgive him. Prepare the letter for him.

[Boy's Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]


Dear Teacher,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my feelings and apologize for my behavior during our recent tutoring sessions. I realize now that I acted unfairly, and I regret the way I treated you.

I understand that your intentions were to help me learn and do better in my studies. You cared enough to be patient with me even when I was difficult, and for that, I'm grateful. I now see that my actions were disrespectful and undeserving of your dedication.

I want to ask for your forgiveness. I'm truly sorry for any trouble I may have caused you, and I hope we can put this behind us. I value the opportunity to learn from you and look forward to a fresh start with a more positive attitude.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your commitment to helping me succeed in my studies.


[Boy's Name]

6. Towards the  end of the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’, the boy realizes that the teacher cares for the boy and he regrets later for his behaviour towards the teacher. So he meets the teacher and apologizes for his attitude. Write two sentences of apology that the boy would say.

"Teacher, I want to sincerely apologize for my disrespectful behavior and attitude during our lessons. I realize now how much you care, and I deeply regret my actions. I promise to be more respectful and attentive in the future."


7. Over protection leads to indiscipline; over punishment leads to indifference. Do you agree with this statement. Relate this with the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’ and write your views in a paragraph.

I agree with the statement that overprotection can lead to indiscipline, and overpunishment can result in indifference. In the story "Crime and Punishment," the parents' approach to parenting is rooted in gentle and non-repressive methods. They aim to create a nurturing environment for their child but may inadvertently indulge him to an extent that he becomes defiant and manipulative, as seen in the story. On the other hand, the teacher, in his attempt to discipline the child, resorts to impulsive physical punishment, which only serves to escalate the situation and creates resentment. This demonstrates how extremes in either overprotection or overpunishment can result in undesired consequences, including indiscipline and indifference. Striking a balance between discipline and support is crucial for effective parenting and teaching, allowing for the healthy development of a child's character and behavior.

8.Suggest two alternative titles to the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’.

1. "Lessons in Discipline"

2. "The Teacher's Dilemma"

9 . In the story, ‘Crime and Punishment’, the parents of the boy talks to the teacher how to handle their child. As a parent, what would you talk to your child’s teacher?

As a concerned parent, I would approach my child's teacher with understanding and openness. I would express my gratitude for their dedication and then discuss my child's strengths, weaknesses, and any specific challenges they might be facing. I would seek the teacher's insights into my child's behavior and academic performance, aiming to collaborate on finding effective ways to nurture their potential. Additionally, I would encourage the teacher to communicate openly about any issues they observe in my child's behavior or studies, and I would assure them of my full support in implementing strategies for improvement. Open and respectful communication between parents and teachers is vital to a child's overall development, and I would emphasize my willingness to work together to ensure my child's success in both academics and character-building.

10. Imagine that the parents  in ‘Crime and Punishment’ advises their son to behave properly  and respect the teacher. Write two pieces of advice using the expressions, ‘ought to’ /’ ‘should’ / ‘should not’/ ‘must’ .

1. "You ought to listen carefully to your teacher during lessons and show respect. Remember, he is here to help you learn and grow."

2. "You should not engage in defiance or disobedience. It's important to follow the teacher's instructions and be a responsible student in the classroom."

11. compare and contrast the education system you are in with that depicted in the story ‘Crime and Punishment’.

The education system depicted in the story "Crime and Punishment" by R. K. Narayan, set in a different time and cultural context, can be compared and contrasted with modern educational systems in several ways:


1. Teacher-Student Relationship: In both systems, the teacher-student relationship is central. Teachers are responsible for imparting knowledge and nurturing students' growth.

2. Formal Education: Both systems emphasize formal education as a means of personal and societal advancement. Education is considered a pathway to success.

3. Expectations: There are expectations for students to perform well academically. Parents and teachers typically expect students to excel and achieve good grades.


1. Teaching Methods: In "Crime and Punishment," the teacher resorts to physical discipline, which is generally unacceptable in modern educational systems. Today, teaching methods focus on nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills.

2. Parental Involvement: The parents in the story have a somewhat overprotective attitude, often interfering with the teacher's methods. In modern systems, while parental involvement is encouraged, it is typically more focused on providing support, guidance, and encouragement, rather than dictating teaching strategies.

3. Pedagogical Approach: Modern educational systems prioritize child-centered and holistic teaching approaches, whereas in the story, there's a somewhat traditional, authoritarian approach to teaching.

4. Discipline: The story portrays a system where physical punishment is used as a means of discipline, which is a stark contrast to contemporary systems that emphasize non-violent and positive behavior management strategies.

5. Focus on Individuality: Modern education places a greater emphasis on recognizing and nurturing the individual talents and interests of students, whereas the story seems to reflect a more rigid and uniform approach.

In summary, "Crime and Punishment" presents an educational system with traditional teaching methods and a different approach to discipline, largely shaped by the cultural and historical context of the story. Today's education systems generally embrace more child-centered, creative, and holistic approaches, along with a greater emphasis on individuality and positive discipline.

12. prepare a blurb of R K Narayan’s short story, ‘Crime and Punishment’

In R.K. Narayan's captivating short story, 'Crime and Punishment,' the delicate balance between discipline and understanding is explored within the context of a teacher-student relationship. The narrative delves into the complexities of discipline and parenting as a young boy challenges his teacher's authority. With a blend of humor and poignancy, Narayan navigates the nuances of generational conflict, contrasting traditional methods with modern approaches to child-rearing and education. As the story unfolds, readers are invited to contemplate the moral dilemmas faced by both the teacher and the boy's parents. 'Crime and Punishment' is a compelling exploration of authority, compassion, and the fine line between punishment and empathy, leaving readers with profound reflections on the challenges of nurturing young minds in an ever-changing world.

R.K. Narayan, whose full name is Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami, was a renowned Indian author known for his contributions to English literature. Born on October 10, 1906, in Chennai, India, he is considered one of the leading figures in Indian literature in the 20th century.

Narayan's writing is primarily associated with his vivid portrayal of everyday life in India, particularly in the fictional town of Malgudi. His works are characterized by their simplicity, humor, and keen observations of human behavior. He often delved into the nuances of Indian culture, traditions, and the human experience.

Some of his most notable works include "Swami and Friends," "The Bachelor of Arts," and "The Guide," which was later adapted into a successful Bollywood film. His novel "The Man-Eater of Malgudi" also gained significant acclaim.

Narayan's writing was not only accessible but also resonated with readers of all ages. He is celebrated for his ability to connect with the common man through relatable characters and stories.

Throughout his career, R.K. Narayan received numerous awards and honors, including the Sahitya Akademi Award, India's highest literary honor. His contributions to English literature, particularly his portrayal of Indian life, have left an indelible mark on the literary world, making him an important figure for students and readers alike. R.K. Narayan passed away on May 13, 2001, leaving behind a rich legacy of literature that continues to inspire and captivate readers around the world.



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