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Friday, May 26, 2023

+2 English NOTE - UNIT – 1 , LESSON - 4 . Horegallu ( Sudha Murty ) - NOTE


UNIT – 1 , LSSON - 4


Sudha Murty


 "Lessons from 'Horegallu': The Power of Listening and Kindness"


The passage titled "Horegallu" by Sudha Murty beautifully portrays the significance of empathy, understanding, and kindness in our lives. Through vivid childhood memories and a touching anecdote, the author emphasizes the importance of being a compassionate listener and offering solace to others.


1. The Symbolism of Horegallu:

The horegallu, a stone bench, serves as a powerful symbol in the passage. It represents a resting place for weary travelers, offering respite and rejuvenation. This imagery teaches us that in life's journey, we all encounter burdens and challenges. Just as Counsellor can pause, put down their loads, and find solace on the horegallu, we too need moments of rest and support to regain our strength and continue moving forward.


2. The Value of Empathetic Listening:

The author's grandfather and Ratna, the colleague, exemplify the art of empathetic listening. They lend an ear to those burdened by worries, offering them a safe space to express themselves. As  students, we often encounter peers facing various challenges and uncertainties. By practicing active listening without judgment, we can provide emotional support to those in need. Sudha Murty reminds us that even if we cannot solve others' problems, our genuine and compassionate presence can alleviate their burden.


3. The Power of Compassion:

Both the author's grandfather and Ratna demonstrate the profound impact of kindness and compassion. Despite not having substantial resources or official roles as counsellors, they bring comfort and relief to others. Their acts of kindness embody the essence of social service, emphasizing that even small gestures can make a significant difference in someone's life. Students can draw inspiration from this and incorporate compassion into their daily interactions, fostering a supportive and empathetic environment.


4. Maintaining Confidentiality and Trust:

Ratna's commitment to confidentiality highlights the importance of trust in relationships. By respecting others' privacy and keeping their shared concerns confidential, we create a safe space for open communication. As +2 students, we must cultivate trust among our peers, ensuring that they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and worries. Respecting confidentiality builds stronger bonds and fosters an environment of support and understanding.


5. Self-help and Personal Responsibility:

The passage underlines the notion that individuals must take responsibility for their own problems and seek solutions themselves. Ratna reminds us that while listening and offering support, it is essential to empower others to address their challenges independently. As students, we can encourage our peers to take ownership of their problems, providing them with guidance and encouragement to find their own solutions. This approach promotes personal growth, resilience, and self-reliance.


6. The Joy of Giving:

The passage subtly highlights the joy that comes from selfless acts of kindness. Both the author's grandfather and Ratna engage in their respective acts of service because it brings them joy. This teaches us that helping others and being compassionate can be a source of personal fulfillment and happiness. Encouraging  students to engage in acts of kindness can not only create a positive impact on others but also cultivate a sense of fulfillment within themselves.



Sudha Murty's "Horegallu" beautifully captures the essence of empathy, compassion, and the power of listening. The passage serves as a reminder to  students that small acts of kindness, such as lending an ear, respecting confidentiality, and offering support, can make a significant difference in the lives of others. By incorporating these values into our interactions, we create a nurturing environment where individuals feel valued, understood, and supported. Let us strive to be the horegallu in the lives of those around us, providing moments of respite and strength, and fostering a culture of empathy and kindness.


1 . What are the special memories that the author associates with horegallu ? 

The author associates special memories with the horegallu because it reminds her of her childhood spent in a village. The large banyan tree and the horegallu under it provided shade and comfort during hot summer days. The author spent hours playing under the tree and observed her grandfather engaging in conversations with the villagers resting on the horegallu. These memories are significant to the author as they represent a sense of community, respite, and the compassionate nature of her grandfather.


2 . Is "horegallu" essential in a journey? Why?

Yes, the "horegallu" is essential in a journey. It serves as a resting place where travellers can pause, put down their burdens, and find solace. It provides them with an opportunity to regain their strength and refresh themselves before continuing their journey. The horegallu symbolizes the importance of taking breaks, rejuvenating, and gathering the energy required to carry on.


3 . How does the grandfather refresh the travellers?

The grandfather refreshes the travelers through his attentive listening and genuine interest in their lives. He offers them a compassionate ear, allowing them to share their daily struggles and worries. By providing a non-judgmental space for expression, the grandfather alleviates their burdens momentarily and provides emotional relief. His presence and willingness to listen and empathize bring comfort and support to the weary travellers.


4 . The author wishes there were many more of "horegallus" in the world. Comment

The author expresses a wish for many more horegallus in the world because they represent places of solace, understanding, and support. The horegallu, in its essence, symbolizes empathy, compassion, and community. The author recognizes the importance of such spaces where people can pause, share their burdens, and find emotional relief. More horegallus would mean more opportunities for individuals to connect, support one another, and find solace during life's journey.


5 . Do you think that the grandfather and Ratna were doing some tremendous social service? 

Yes, the grandfather and Ratna can be considered as individuals who engage in tremendous social service. Despite not holding official roles or possessing significant resources, they offer support, empathy, and a listening ear to those in need. By being present for others, respecting their confidentiality, and providing a safe space to express their worries, they alleviate the burdens carried by individuals. Their acts of kindness may not be recognized or rewarded in traditional ways, but they bring joy and relief to those they assist. By embodying empathy and compassion, the grandfather and Ratna make a positive impact on the lives of others, demonstrating that social service can come in various forms and does not always require grand gestures or official titles.


6 . Explain the significance of the title "Horegallu"

The title "Horegallu" holds great significance in the passage. In the context of the story, "Horegallu" refers to a stone bench placed under a banyan tree where travelers can rest and find solace during their journeys. However, symbolically, it represents more than just a physical object. "Horegallu" signifies a place of respite, support, and rejuvenation. It represents the importance of taking breaks, putting down one's burdens, and finding strength to continue. The title encapsulates the central theme of the passage, highlighting the need for empathy, understanding, and the power of simple acts of kindness.


7 . Ratna's patience and empathy left a lasting impression on Sudha Murthy's heart. What are her other notable qualities? Attempt a character sketch of Ratna

Ratna, the colleague mentioned in the passage, possesses several notable qualities that leave a lasting impression on Sudha Murthy's heart. Firstly, Ratna is characterized by her infectious cheerfulness. Despite engaging in repetitive and mundane work, she carries herself with a constant smile and positive attitude. This quality reflects her resilience and ability to find joy in her everyday tasks.

Secondly, Ratna is an exceptional listener. She patiently sits with people during their lunch hour, offering them a safe space to share their troubles. Her empathetic nature allows her to truly understand and connect with others, providing them with much-needed emotional support.

Furthermore, Ratna values confidentiality and trust. She firmly believes in maintaining the secrecy of others' worries and concerns, considering it a betrayal to divulge confidential information. This demonstrates her integrity and commitment to being a reliable confidante.

In addition, Ratna is humble and self-aware. She acknowledges that she is not a trained counselor or intellectual, yet recognizes the power of listening and the relief it can bring to those burdened by their problems. Her humility and selflessness enable her to serve others without seeking recognition or reward.

Overall, Ratna's character sketch reveals her cheerful demeanor, empathetic listening skills, commitment to confidentiality, humility, and selflessness. These qualities make her a compassionate and remarkable individual who positively impacts the lives of those around her.


8 . Ratna and Sudha Murthy's grandfather served the society by devoting their precious time to listen to others. These living examples have inspired you to contribute an essay to the newsletter of your school. Write an essay on the topic "Role of good listeners in creating healthy minds"


Role of Good Listeners in Creating Healthy Minds

In today's fast-paced world, where individuals are constantly bombarded with information and face numerous challenges, the importance of being heard and understood cannot be overstated. Good listeners play a crucial role in creating healthy minds by providing a supportive environment for individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and concerns. They offer a valuable outlet for people to unload their burdens, find solace, and foster emotional well-being.


1. Emotional Support:

Good listeners provide a space for individuals to share their innermost feelings without fear of judgment. By offering empathy, understanding, and compassion, they validate the emotions of others and provide a sense of comfort. This emotional support helps individuals cope with stress, anxiety, and loneliness, promoting mental well-being.


2. Validation and Empowerment:

Listening attentively and non-judgmentally makes individuals feel heard, acknowledged, and validated. It empowers them to explore their thoughts and find solutions to their own problems. Good listeners recognize that everyone has unique experiences and perspectives, and by valuing their words, they contribute to building healthy self-esteem and self-confidence.


3. Relationship Building:

Active listening fosters strong interpersonal connections and enhances relationships. When individuals feel heard and understood, it deepens trust and strengthens the bond between the listener and the speaker. This, in turn, promotes a sense of belonging and social support, which are essential for maintaining mental and emotional health.


4. Problem Solving and Perspective Broadening:

Through attentive listening, good listeners help individuals gain clarity, analyze situations, and find effective solutions. They may ask insightful questions, challenge assumptions, and provide a fresh perspective. By encouraging self-reflection and critical thinking, they enable personal growth and facilitate positive change.



The role of good listeners in creating healthy minds cannot be emphasized enough. Their ability to provide emotional support, validation, empowerment, and problem-solving assistance contributes to the overall well-being of individuals. As aspiring members of society, we should recognize the significance of being good listeners and strive to cultivate this essential skill. By offering our time, attention, and empathy, we can create a positive impact on the mental health and happiness of those around us, fostering a society where healthy minds thrive.


9 . Imagine that you have become a popular writer. After finishing her anecdote Horegallu and some other stories, Sudha Murthy wishes to publish them as a book. She requests you to write a blurb for it. Prepare the blurb



As a popular writer, Sudha Murthy weaves together tales that resonate with deep-rooted emotions, human connections, and timeless wisdom.

In "Horegallu," Sudha Murthy takes us on a nostalgic journey to her childhood village, where a simple stone bench beneath a banyan tree becomes a symbol of respite, strength, and empathy. Through this heartfelt anecdote and other captivating stories, she unveils the power of compassion, the significance of small acts of kindness, and the beauty of ordinary lives.

Each story in this collection showcases Sudha Murthy's masterful storytelling, evoking a range of emotions from laughter to tears. From Ratna's remarkable listening skills to the struggles of villagers in distant corners of the country, these tales touch upon universal themes of love, empathy, and the resilience of the human spirit.

"Horegallu and Other Stories" is a testament to Sudha Murthy's remarkable ability to find inspiration in the ordinary and to create narratives that leave a lasting impact. This collection will transport you to a world where every individual's story matters and remind you of the power of compassion in transforming lives.

Prepare to be captivated by Sudha Murthy's storytelling prowess as she shares her anecdotes, leaving an indelible imprint on your heart and mind.

The best seller of the year and winner of many awards.


10 . The role of horegallu in Sudha Murthy's story is a silent listener. Imagine that the horegallu narrates about its experience to us. What would it be? Prepare the narrative beginning , 'I am the horegallu in Sudha Murthy's village... ',

I am the horegallu in Sudha Murthy's village, a silent witness to the stories that unfold under the shade of the magnificent banyan tree. As a stone bench, I have borne witness to the weary travelers seeking solace, rest, and respite from their arduous journeys. I have heard their tales of struggle, their dreams, and their burdens, held within the depths of their hearts.

From my vantage point, I have observed Sudha Murthy's grandfather, a beacon of wisdom and compassion, offering a listening ear to all who sought comfort. I have seen the transformative power of his patient presence and kind words, as he bestowed a temporary refuge to the weary souls.

Throughout the years, I have become more than just a stone bench; I have become a symbol of empathy, understanding, and the importance of taking a moment to rest and share one's troubles. I have learned that sometimes, being a silent listener is enough to bring solace to those who are burdened.

Oh, the stories I could tell, of dreams shared, tears shed, and burdens lightened. I stand here, the horegallu, eternally grateful for the opportunity to be a part of these stories, silently supporting and embracing the human spirit that finds its way to this humble spot under the banyan tree.



11 . It's true that we don't always need advice or answer. Sometimes all we need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand. In the light of your understanding of the anecdote horegallu , prepare a write up on the need for sharing, caring and social togetherness for the well-being of a stress- ridden society.

In today's stress-ridden society, the need for sharing, caring, and social togetherness has never been more crucial. While advice and answers may have their place, there are times when all we truly need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen, and a heart to understand.

The anecdote of horegallu beautifully illustrates the power of compassionate listening and the profound impact it can have on individuals burdened by their struggles. In a world overwhelmed by pressures and anxieties, the simple act of sharing our joys and sorrows, fears and aspirations, with a supportive presence can alleviate the weight we carry.

By fostering social togetherness and creating safe spaces for open communication, we cultivate a sense of belonging and support. Through shared experiences, we realize that we are not alone in our challenges, and empathy becomes a guiding light in navigating life's uncertainties.

In this interconnected world, let us recognize the immense value of lending an ear, offering a helping hand, and nurturing a culture of care. By embracing the power of sharing, caring, and social togetherness, we can create a healthier, more resilient society where individuals find solace, strength, and understanding in each other's presence.


12 . 'God has given me two ears to listen to others. I hear them out with sympathy and without judgement'. These are the words of Ratna in horegallu. What do you think are the qualities of a good listener? 

A good listener possesses several essential qualities that enable them to connect with others on a deeper level:

1. Empathy: A good listener approaches conversations with empathy, seeking to understand and share in the emotions and experiences of the speaker. They put themselves in the speaker's shoes, demonstrating genuine care and concern.

2. Non-judgment: Good listeners suspend judgment and refrain from imposing their opinions or biases on the speaker. They create a safe and non-threatening space where individuals can freely express themselves without fear of criticism or ridicule.

3. Patience: Good listeners are patient, allowing the speaker to express themselves fully without interruption or rushing. They understand that everyone has their own pace and timing for sharing their thoughts and emotions.

4. Open-mindedness: Good listeners approach conversations with an open mind, embracing different perspectives and ideas. They are willing to challenge their own beliefs and preconceptions, fostering a diverse and inclusive dialogue.

5. Focus and Attention: Good listeners give their undivided attention to the speaker, actively engaging in the conversation. They maintain eye contact, provide verbal and non-verbal cues to show their attentiveness, and avoid distractions.

6. Reflective and Clarifying Skills: Good listeners reflect on what the speaker has shared, summarizing and paraphrasing to ensure accurate understanding. They ask clarifying questions to gain deeper insights into the speaker's thoughts and feelings.

7. Confidentiality: Good listeners respect the confidentiality of the conversation. They understand the importance of maintaining trust and privacy, refraining from sharing personal details or experiences without the speaker's consent.

By embodying these qualities, good listeners create an atmosphere of trust, support, and understanding. They foster meaningful connections and help individuals feel heard, validated, and empowered to navigate their challenges.


13."Horegallu is essential in any journey, " says the grandfather. However, they are not very common now. Prepare a newspaper article on the importance of horegallus in modern life

Title: The Importance of Horegallus in Modern Life: An Oasis of Connection and Rest

Subtitle: Rediscovering the Value of Horegallus in Our Fast-Paced World

In our fast-paced and technology-driven lives, where time seems to slip through our fingers, the significance of horegallus, as proclaimed by Sudha Murthy's grandfather, is more relevant than ever. These humble stone benches, once a common sight in villages, provided weary travelers with a much-needed pause, refreshment, and a listening ear.

In today's modern society, marked by isolation, stress, and digital distractions, the horegallu represents a metaphorical oasis—an oasis of connection and rest. It symbolizes the need for human interaction, empathy, and the power of genuine conversations.

Horegallus, although not as prevalent as in the past, can be reincarnated in various forms—a park bench, a coffee shop, or a community center—where individuals can come together, share their stories, and find solace in one another's presence. These spaces serve as reminders that we are not alone in our struggles and triumphs, fostering a sense of belonging and a support network that nurtures our well-being.

By embracing the concept of horegallus in our modern lives, we open doors to meaningful connections, increased mental well-being, and the cultivation of empathy. Let us rediscover the importance of these spaces, creating environments where we can stop, rest, and engage in heartfelt conversations that have the power to heal, inspire, and rejuvenate our souls.

In this era of constant motion and digital overload, let us remember the wisdom of the horegallu and carve out spaces where we can come together, listen with open hearts, and build the social fabric that enhances our collective well-being.


14.Write a short blogspot on the character of Ratna

Title: Ratna: The Epitome of Empathy and Compassion

In a world where self-absorption often takes precedence, the character of Ratna from Sudha Murthy's anecdote "Horegallu" shines as a beacon of empathy and compassion. Ratna's remarkable qualities leave an indelible impression on the reader's heart.

Ratna's patience and ability to lend a listening ear without judgment demonstrate her profound understanding of human struggles. Her presence offers solace to those burdened by their worries, providing a safe space for them to share their troubles. Through her acts of kindness and genuine concern, Ratna proves that sometimes all we need is someone who will truly listen.

Her humility and dedication to preserving the trust of others reveal her character's integrity. Ratna's commitment to maintaining confidentiality showcases her respect for the individual's privacy and the importance of trust in meaningful relationships.

Ratna serves as an inspiration for us all, reminding us of the power of empathy and the impact a caring listener can have on others. Her character teaches us to be present, to listen with an open heart, and to extend a hand of support to those in need.

In a world that often seems detached and self-centered, Ratna's character serves as a gentle reminder that true compassion can make a profound difference in someone's life. Let us strive to emulate Ratna's qualities, cultivating empathy and kindness in our own interactions, and making the world a better place, one compassionate act at a time.


14.What are the common qualities that grandfather and Ratna share with share with a horegallu

The grandfather and Ratna share common qualities with a horegallu:

1. They offer a listening ear without judgment.

2. They provide solace and refreshment to those burdened by their troubles.

3. They serve as a source of support and empathy.

4. They create a safe space for individuals to share their worries and find comfort.

5. They are pillars of strength and understanding, helping others regain their strength.


 Sudha Murty

Sudha Murty, a renowned Indian author and philanthropist, has led a remarkable life dedicated to serving others and creating impactful change. Born in 1950 in Shiggaon, Karnataka, she pursued her education in engineering and went on to become the first woman engineer at Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co. Ltd. However, her true passion lies in writing and social work. Sudha Murty's literary works encompass a wide range of genres, including novels, children's books, and short stories. Her writings explore various themes such as social issues, human values, and the importance of education. Sudha Murty's stories often draw inspiration from her own experiences and touch upon the lives of ordinary people, highlighting their struggles and triumphs. Through her writing, she imparts valuable life lessons and promotes empathy, compassion, and social awareness. Alongside her literary contributions, Sudha Murty is actively involved in philanthropic initiatives, focusing on education, rural development, and healthcare. Her life and works serve as an inspiration to many, reflecting her commitment to making a positive difference in society.